Client Questionnaire

  1. Color Scheme: • What colors do you envision for your website’s primary elements? • Do you have specific colors for secondary elements? • Any preferred accent color?
    1. Fonts:
      • Would you prefer a modern, traditional, or unique font style?
      • Do you have specific fonts in mind for headings and body text?
    2. Typography:
      • How much space would you like between lines of text?
      • Should letters be close together or spread out?
      • Do you prefer bold, regular, or light fonts for headings?
    3. Layout:
      • Should your website have a full-width or boxed layout?
      • How wide should the main content area be?
      • Is there a preference for the width of the sidebar (if applicable)?
    4. Header:
      • What color or background style would you like for the header?
      • Where would you like the logo positioned – left, center, or right?
    5. Navigation:
      • What style of navigation menu do you prefer (dropdown, mega menu, etc.)?
      • Are there specific colors for navigation links and hover effects?
      • Any preferences for font size in the navigation menu?
    6. Footer:
      • What background color or style would you like for the footer?
      • Are there specific colors for footer text and links?
      • Should the footer include a widget area?
    7. Buttons:
      • What color should buttons be, and how should they change on hover?
      • Any preferences for button shape and size?
    8. Images:
      • Do you have a preference for rounded or square edges on images?
      • Should images have any specific hover effects?
    9. Spacing:
      • How much padding and margin would you like between different sections?
      • Any specific preferences for line spacing and icon size?
    10. Forms:
      • How would you like input fields in forms to be styled?
      • Any preferences for the appearance of buttons in forms?
    11. Animations:
      • Are you interested in using animations (fade-in, slide, etc.)?
      • If yes, how fast or slow should these animations be?
    12. Responsive Design:
      • How should the navigation change on smaller screens?
      • Any specific design considerations for mobile devices?
    13. Custom Features:
      • Are there any specific features or functionalities you’d like to see?
    14. Additional Notes:
      • Any other details or preferences you’d like to share?